Many years I have worked with machines and this one is a lot of fun, I use it as a Music Production center, it is versatile and intuitive, what I like about Akai is that even if the years pass with the brand machines most of the time they update their firmware and add new functions, The good thing about these machines is that when they design them they always think about the future, they even include hardware components that at the time of their launch are not yet operational and with the passage of time they are adding their functions through updates, Akai Force still has much to improve but for its trajectory I know that it is only the beginning for this machine.
Stylophone Gen X-1
One of my smallest machines in the studio, it is one of my favorites, invented by Brian Jarvis in 1967, it was built as a small toy for children.
David Bowie used it for the first time in Space Oddity (1969), Kraftwerk used it for the first time in the track Pocket calculator, from the album Computer world (1981), also bands and musicomo like The Raconteurs and The Dead Weather, RoVot have used it in these times.
I recommend you the Youtube channel of Mari Dangerfield a master in the use of the Stylophone, you can also find her on her @maridangerfield